How can a PAD provide assistance?
The way in which a PAD can improve someone's life will be specific to that individual but these are some of the benefits that Mummy has experienced as a sufferer of depression:
Reduced Stress/Anxiety
Studies have shown that interaction with animals releases endorphins which reduce stress levels. Heart rates of patients suffering with anxiety are proved to decrease after spending time with animals. One study showed an 82% reduction in the symptoms of PTSD (and other trauma-related issues) after just one week of interaction with a dog. There is a vast body of research on the subject of animal assisted therapy. One great resource can be accessed here.
Loneliness can be a cause or result of depression but it can be very difficult to overcome. Having a non-judgemental companion by your side can produce feelings of safety, security and comfort. A loyal pet can provide a sense of certainty that they can be relied on to be there in times of need. There is also something unique about having a relationship which is based on a different form of communication than that between humans.
Social interaction
Depression can make it feel impossible to leave the house. The more isolated one becomes, the more difficult it is to break the vicious cycle. PADs act as social facilitators and catalysts for friendship formation. I brought out a totally different side of London for Mummy. For the first time people would talk to Mummy because of me and it opened up many interesting and unexpected conversations, some of which have led to friendships which would otherwise have never been formed.
Routine and responsibility
Depression often results in a struggle with carrying out a daily routine. Having the responsibility of a dog means it is no longer a choice but a necessity to resume a routine as that dog needs feeding, walking and exercising. In turn, the need to walk the dog means the owner also gets exercise which in itself has positive consequences.
Sense of purpose / motivation
The dependence of a pet on its owner can give that person an increased sense of purpose and motivation to nurture and care for that animal. This can lead to a boost in self-esteem, a lack of which is a common problem faced by sufferers of depression.
PADs can provide a welcome and potentially life-saving distraction from distressing symptoms associated with depression, such as hearing voices, self harm, suicidal thoughts and rumination.